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"There is no Greater Agony than bearing an untold story inside of you"

-Maya Angelou





Imagine a world, like earth in many ways, yet so incredibly different. With sunsets from your wildest dreams and creatures from your worst nightmares. With astounding natural beauty unlike that of any other, yet a world filled with beasts ready to kill at a moment's notice.
Tachyon Industries sees this world as the solution to Earth's dwindling resources. Gathering their finest Elites, Tachyon sends them into the unknown. Tachyon's Elites all share one thing in common: they do not exist to the rest of the world. Their invisibility makes them the perfect test subjects for Tachyon's experiments. However, in this new world, Tachyon's Elites are anything but invisible.
In this world, nothing is what it seems. The only thing Tachyon's Elites can trust to be real, is, perhaps, death. Then again, who knows when the mind is playing tricks on you? After all, are you going mad, or can you see the world in a new, beautiful light? 
Welcome to a world so beautifully fascinating, it will lure you to your grave. Welcome, to Dimension C-24.


Random Thoughts

Poetry, randomness, whatever comes to mind. Brace yourselves folks. This book is different. These are random thoughts. This book is Madness. It's Messy. It's Me.

The labyrinth.jpg

The Labyrinth

What if W.I.C.K.E.D sent the Seven into the Maze?  What would happen? Would things go just as W.I.C.K.E.D. planned, or would the Seven destroy the Maze, and W.I.C.K.E.D. along with it? 
  Chancellor Ava Paige hoped to keep these young 'Munies' in control.  But they're not just 'Munies', they're something way more powerful than she could ever imagine. They're Half-bloods. The most powerful ones in existence.She realizes, much too late, that keeping them as Subjects and testing their patience could result in the end of the human race.

Giant Octopus

" The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents"

                   -H.P. Lovecraft

about me.

Hi everyone! I'm Aiza, and aspiring writer. Go check out my works on Wattpad, and feel free to vote and comment. Currently, I'm working on Nuclear, a Sci/Fi novel. 

I've always been intrigued with story-telling, although I might not have necessarily known it. Acting out stories with friends or making sagas with Lego have brought me here. Everyone has a story to tell, and should have the opportunity to share theirs.

In my spare time I am a painter, boxer, martial artist, and a person who always starts projects I never end up finishing. 

My works are heavily influenced by  James Dashner, Rick Riordan, DC and Marvel Comics and many classic sci-fi and horror authors such as H.G. Wells and H.P. Lovecraft.

If you have any questions or suggestions, don't be shy! Email me:


Tribal 6
"My yesterdays walk with me. They keep step, they are gray faces that peer over my shoulder"
                -William Golding
Black Trees Strip



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